NRP1618-30: Understanding Multiple Personality Disorders

Course Abstract:

This course will enable the participant to identify dissociative disorders. It explains the phenonmenon of the personality system, and the releationships the personalties have with each other and with the host. Treatment, management, and the role of the nursing staff in thehsopital setting are discussed, and more.


At the end of course, each participant will be able to:

  1. Identify the events that lead to a dissociative disorder.
  2. Define dissociation.
  3. Explain the dynamics of dissociation.
  4. Describe the continuum of dissociation.
  5. Explain the influences that manifest Multiple Personality Disorder, as described in models by Kluft and Braun.
  6. Explain the phenomenon of the personality system and the relationships the personalities have with each other and the host.
  7. Describe the most common personalities.
  8. Explain the difficulties in making the diagnosis.
  9. Identify tools that assist in making the diagnosis.
  10. Describe common presentations of Multiple Personality Disorder.
  11. Describe appropriate methods of treatment for Multiple Personality Disorder, including outpatient and inpatient treatment, and pharmacological concerns.
  12. Explain the role of nursing staff with the Multiple Personality Disorder patient in a hospital setting; specifically how to insure patient success in treatment and provide for needs of staff.
  13. Describe specific techniques for managing a dissociative crisis.

Contact Hours: 30.00
Price: $84.95

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**Upon successful completion of these courses your certificate of completion is immediately available for you to print AND we electronically transfer your completion information to the State Education Department daily at 4:00PM EST. There is no need for you to mail your certificate; we do it for you electronically!