02-5631-24032 (video): Sterilization & Disinfection of Instruments

Course Abstract:

Contact Hours (CE): The Academy of Dental Learning and OSHA Training, LLC, designates this activity for 2 continuing education credits (2 CEs).
Cost: $30.00
Questions? Contact Us: Phone: 518-209-9540 or Email: cesupport@dentallearning.org
Published: April 2011
Revised: January 2023
Expires: February 2026
Length: 60 minute video, one hour self study.
Course Instructor: Howard J. Pactovis, DMD
No conflicts of interest are reported by the author or by educational planning committee members.

Educational Objectives

  • Classify instruments and equipment.
  • List the proper steps for cleaning instruments and equipment.
  • List the steps required for inspection of instruments and equipment.
  • Describe proper packaging.
  • Describe sterilization techniques.
  • Describe accepted storage and delivery protocols.
  • Describe a quality assurance program.

Course Description

This course in sterilization and disinfection of contaminated instruments is designed for all dental personnel who handle instruments in a clinical setting. The course includes a step-by-step review of proper clinical technique to be proficient in the instrument handling process during the sterilization process. In six steps, the various dental staff will be in compliance with the sterilization process.

In the video portion, the viewer will see and hear examples of the methods for cleaning and sterilization. The course includes emphasis on PPE or Personal Protection Equipment for dental staff to keep proper compliance with OSHA standards.

This course is intended to develop skills with use of the step-by-step process for compliance, and also to comply with State and Federal guidelines for sterilization in a clinical dental setting.

How to Take This Course

Click on the logo below to open the course video and study materials. Study the course then return to this page and click to Take the Exam. Upon successful completion of the exam you will be asked to register and pay over a secure connection. Your exam will grade automatically and your certificate will display for you to save and/or print for your records.

Contact Hours: 2.00
Price: $30.00

To continue, click below.


* Upon successful completion of our courses your certificate of completion is immediately available for you to print AND we electronically transfer your completion information to CE Broker every Monday at 4:00PM EST. There is no need for you to mail your certificate; we do it for you electronically!

**Upon successful completion of these courses your certificate of completion is immediately available for you to print AND we electronically transfer your completion information to the State Education Department daily at 4:00PM EST. There is no need for you to mail your certificate; we do it for you electronically!