NRP1617: Psychiatric Skills for Non-Psych Nurses

Course Abstract:

A course designed to hlep the non-psych nurse gain insight into the care of patients with psychiatric disorders in a non-psychiatric setting. This nurse will be able to describe and use "No Harm" contracts, plus the use of psychopharmacology and much more.


At the end of course, each participant will be able to:

  1. Articulate two challenges which changes in health status pose to the average adult.
  2. Describe two possible coping mechanisms adults employ to cope with the stress of physical illness.
  3. Describe the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 3rd Edition, Revised.
  4. Discuss how the DSM III R can be used.
  5. List the first two axis of the DSM III R multiaxial system.
  6. Describe two common psychiatric diagnoses.
  7. Define a crisis.
  8. Give three examples of psychosocial crisis in a general care setting.
  9. Discuss the grief process.
  10. List two crisis intervention techniques useful in a hospital setting.
  11. Name two significant factors to assess in determining suicidality.
  12. Describe a “No Harm” contract.
  13. List two steps to insure safety in a suicidal patient.
  14. Briefly discuss the evolution of psychopharmacology.
  15. List 3 major classifications of psychiatric medications.
  16. Name the major side effects associated with the three classifications of psychiatric drugs named in #15.
  17. List two medications used to diminish side effects of psychiatric medications.
  18. Differentiate between first and second generation antidepressants.
  19. List two possible areas of concern re: use of lithium.
  20. List three signs of alcohol withdrawal.
  21. Name two symptoms associated with the onset of alcohol withdrawal.
  22. Describe an ideal drug to treat alcohol withdrawal.
  23. Discuss two adjustments seniors must make to the aging process.
  24. Name the major psychiatric illness of the senior population.
  25. Discuss two dangers of polypharmacy in the aging population.
  26. Describe three signs of delirium.
  27. Describe 3 signs of dementia.
  28. Discuss three strategies for dealing with confusion in the elderly.
  29. Name two community resources which can provide information re: psychiatric conditions.
  30. Describe how support groups can help family members.

Contact Hours: 15.00
Price: $59.00

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**Upon successful completion of these courses your certificate of completion is immediately available for you to print AND we electronically transfer your completion information to the State Education Department daily at 4:00PM EST. There is no need for you to mail your certificate; we do it for you electronically!